Monday, April 13, 2009

showers of blessings

im really happy because im officially a member in my church! i actually wanted to buy books that help me in my spiritual walk and i got 3 good books today as presents! so it saves a whole lot of hassle of choosing books and the fickle minded me will take years to choose when im alone.

yep. hard to describe this feeling in my heart. im truely grateful to those who showed me care and concern in church. i thank God for giving my family good health and so far copping good in terms of finance and studies. although right now my bank only left 2 digits. if my mom knows about this, she will take a knife and chase me around hougang area. which also explains why i havent got my guitar... maybe i shld go teach tuition. and when im all lonely, God is always there for comfort. not forgetting the good friends which He had placed them in my life.

when i miss my dad, He's there for me. telling me how fortunate that my family members are still around.


I love it when you call
I love it when you call
I love it when you call
But you never call at all
So what's the complication it's only conversation
I love it when you call
But you never call at all

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